
We believe that every human has an inherent desire to serve the greater good.  Altruism is the highest ideal of an actualized life.   Many find their source of motivation in religious terminology.   As written in the Bible “Pure and undefiled religion is this: to visit the widow and orphan in their time of Need” (James 1:27).   In such a case, the model for true spirituality is shown by helping the helpless.

We embrace selflessness, as much as possible, as a virtue par excellence, not only as found in Religion, but as a secular value that has been self-evident for as long as mankind has existed.

This may be at odds with the modern ideas of self-centeredness, personal comfort and leisure which are treated by the Western world as the ultimate goals in life.  Instead we draw upon the joy and satisfaction of serving other human beings in need, for no recompense, purely because we all know that it is the “right” thing to do.