People Corp Mission

We live by a basic principle, which we believe is a universal.  Simply put: the highest ideal for the individual is the selfless care and concern of another human being.  Mercy and compassion for others is the apex of human nobility.

The goal then, is to help restore the dignity of those in need, ultimately to bring them to the position where they too can have the privilege of being a giver, not just a receiver.

The focus is primarily on those who can’t help themselves.  Putting in a Christian context, the Bible frequently mentions the “widow and orphan” as symbols of the disenfranchised, the poverty stricken, or destitute.     Those without any other means of support are the first priority.

Others may be those coming out of the criminal justice system, those seeking freedom from opiates or substance addiction, people on a fixed income with no savings, etc.

Our primary asset is simply the willingness of local volunteers to help by offering some time (which we limit, so as to not overburden anyone).  Others may want to donate supermarket gift cards for those with immediate food needs, or capital to help with emergency utilities.

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